Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hey all! We are starting nice and fresh! I decided it wasn't appropriate to have my blog link with my maiden name and it was bugging me so I decided to start over. For those who are looking into starting a blog, don't put your last name in it if you aren't married'll just have to change it. Just some advice : ) My email as also changed from to 
Ry and I are happy as ever! We've begun this new year with a change in our diet (excluding all pop and SOME sweets) and exercising more. We both know that when you're're happy! It's felt really good. I'm sure we've all had a new years resolution that has only lasted a couple days...weeks...months...NOT THIS YEAR! Ry and I are both determined to get into shape. We've been awful at taking pictures recently but I do have something to share that I'm quite proud of. I do have to thank my mother for sharing her talents with me. I'm not as good as her YET but my creative and beautiful touch is coming along slowly.
My first flower arrangement!

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